Attention: Calling all men who are ready to build muscle, zap away unwanted fat and get their roar back…

What If You Could Win a Caribbean Cruise or Thousands of  Dollars For Getting in the
Best Shape of Your Life?

Now You Can With The 1st Inaugural Critical “Physique Transformation” Contest Where
We Pay YOU to Get Absolutely Ripped
& Become a Model of Strength & Health in

Its your turn to attract the respect, success, and attention you deserve!

shutterstock_36718186How would you like to have sleeve ripping biceps, powerful tree trunk legs and a carved set of abs to match?

Most of the guys getting all of the attention on TV, in the movies and on covers of magazines seem to have one thing in common….they have muscle and they are ripped!

Getting fit and looking Herculean IS NOT EASY.  If it was, every dude in the world would look like some version of Apollo Creed, Vin Diesel or the guy in Thor.  Muscle mass doesn’t just happen overnight and it certainly doesn’t grow on trees.

The rich & wealthy cannot buy a chiseled, powerful physique. The ONLY way to obtain monster guns, shirt shredding pecs and pant busting legs is HARD WORK!  It has to be earned through dedication, perseverance and grit.  So the question becomes, “Who’s willing to invest in themselves to finally look like the guy on the cover of Mens Health?”

All men deserve to feel and look strong IF they put forth the effort!

IF YOU are passionate about lifting weights and getting stronger……

IF YOU are ready to sacrifice cookies for killer quads and ice cream for coat ripping biceps…..

Then this contest is precisely what YOU need! It’s absolutely astonishing how fast you can transform your physique in just 90 days!

In 12 short weeks of your life you can create habits that will forever transform your approach to weight lifting, bodybuilding and eating. This opportunity will help you finally Break Out of the mold you created for yourself long ago. It will change how you perceive yourself in relationships and in business.

Let’s get back to being MEN again!

Let’s put the MAN back in MAN-LY.  Below are some prizes for to get you fired up!

The 3 Best Body Transformations Will Receive
1 of the 3 Prizes Mentioned Below:

prizes (2)

You Could Be The Next Critical Bench Success Story

Check Out The Before & After Pics of Men Who Have Used Our Nutrition and Training Strategies With Phenomenal Results...


Obtaining muscle & strength will create massive change in your life and the lives of those around you!

What Are The Rules?

5 Mandatory Requirements All participants MUST provide:

  • You must submit your Before and After pics 
  • Measurements: You must submit your weight, height, body fat % as well as waist, chest and arm circumferences
  • Brief testimonial (200 word min) about why you wanted to participate, what motivated you, your background info, and a brief bio
  • Activate your $1 trial to Critical Bench Vault that Includes VIP Coaching and Support.
  • Use any Critical Bench Training Program.  (There are dozens to chose from inside of the Vault)

How The Winners Are Selected?

Whether you want to pack on muscle, drop fat or a combination of the two you can participate.  Winners will be chosen based on how much improvement they make.  Who made the most drastic change for the better to their physique?  We’ll put all the contestant photos on a page and vote for the winners, so everyone has the same fair chance to win.


Just For Completing The 90 Day Challenge and Submitting Your Stats You’ll Get The Following:

Awesome, I’m Pumped! Sign Me Up…


 Register for $1

dollar bill

sign-me-up-silver-button-01Participate in The Physique Transformation Contest
(Includes 14-Day Trial to the Critical Bench Vault Site
After the Trial It’s $19.95 per month)

Exclusive Bonuses Included FREE With Your Registration

BONUS 1:  14-Days of Insider Access to the VAULT!

  • VAULTcardInsane New Workouts Every Month so you NEVER get bored or tired from doing the same workouts.
  • Direct access to me and my team of trainers and pros inside of this “exclusive” private forum. You can ask questions and get them answered so you are held accountable to get the FASTEST results possible.
  • Perfect your training technique by getting some of the best exercise and training videos online. These tips and tricks are guaranteed to increase your athletic performance and strength!
  • Post your own videos and have them critiqued by me and other fitness pros.
  • Instantly download interviews with me and other muscle and strength experts.
  • Discounts and coupon codes from sites where you’re probably already shopping.

Again, you get all of these amazing benefits absolutely 100% FREE for 14 days with your registration to the Physique Transformation Contest. If you are not completely satisfied with our premier strength training community, simply email us to cancel and you will NEVER be billed again.


BONUS 2:  VIP Coaching With Our Trainers


You will have the opportunity to ask Coach Mike, Chris and Anthony ANY question you would like.  These questions can be about building muscle, losing fat, becoming stronger, which exercises you should perform, what foods to eat, which supplements are good to take (if at all) and anything else that is related to achieving your fitness goals.

You’ll also receive coaching calls where you get more individual attention to keep you motivated, accountable and on track with your transformation.

BONUS 3:  3 Of Our Most Popular Workouts

Whatever your goal is we have you covered.  Follow any Critical Bench Training Program of your choice or feel free to use one of the three below that we are hooking you up with free of charge when you enter today.

Massive Muscle Pumping
Goal:  Build Muscle Fast

Gain Up to 25 Pounds With This 21 Day Massive Pump Cycle.

Being able to show off those guns and walk around with the pump is something we all want when working out.  However, most programs only discuss some of the basics when it comes to the pump.In Massive Muscle Pumping, Dennis Weis explains some techniques that if applied correctly can cause you to grow in size, strength and have all of your friends thinking you are “ON” something.

The workout plan is only 21 days and is strategically designed to force your body into an anabolic state.  You may never have experienced a pump like this before in your life so make sure to check this program out today.

Critical Ripped Program
Goal:  Burn Fat Fast

It takes cardio, weight training, and proper nutrition to get shredded. If any one of these ingredients is left out you’re not going to get the results you are striving for. Even if you do all three, you may not get the results you want because you’re training incorrectly to burn fat.

Have you ever seen a marathon runner? They do so much cardio it’s ridiculous but they still don’t look muscular and lean. They are working their hearts and are in great cardiovascular shape.

However, they aren’t doing the type of cardio that will burn fat, and they aren’t incorporating weight training in their routines. You really don’t want to be wasting your energy with exercise that won’t burn fat. And you don’t want to exercise properly only to ruin it with the meals you’re eating.

Regenerating The Strength Curve
Goal:  Build Muscle & Burn Fat at the Same Time

muscle regeneration In this 6-8 week program I can guarantee TWO things will happen.  First, you will thoroughly enjoy the mixture of complex and supplemental movements to devastate your system. Second, YOU WILL GET STRONGER!

A plan based on big movements that are not boring and not found in most popular publications. The programs are based on the 5X5 method. Each routine is comprised of 5 exercises and each exercise is done 5 times.

The Rep Ranges will vary from program to program AND from exercise to exercise within each workout.  Please pay close attention to this throughout the entire program. Things like tempo and rest will also be addressed in the notes section of each workout.

Register for Just $1
Before Monday January 20th at Midnight

Participate in The Physique Transformation Contest

(Includes 14-Day Trial to the Critical Bench Vault Site
After the Trial It’s $19.95 per month)

Iron-Clad Money Back Guarantee

If for any reason you think this contest along with the 3 reports we send you right away aren’t the best $1 you’ve ever spent just send me an email and I’ll gladly refund your $1 within 60 days.

Your initial purchase of $1 includes Massive Muscle Pump, The Critical Ripped Program, Regenerating The Strength Curve and a 14-Day Trial to the Critical Bench Vault site.   After your first 14-days you’ll pay the regular low monthly rate of just $19.95.   Even if the membership rate goes up, you’re grandfathered in at this low charter rate so you’ll never have to worry about price increases.

This is really just an “overhead fee” that allows me to keep the website running and to continue paying the staff members to help edit videos and update the site…

If within 14 days you decide that The Critical Bench Vault content doesn’t do it for you, then just cancel and you’ll never be charged another dime.  It’s really just as simple as sending an email to cancel your membership and it will be handled right away, no hassles.  And you can keep everything you downloaded.

How is that for fair?  No risk, No hassles…

Isn’t it Time YOU get Credit for Time Spent in the Gym?

Don’t you deserve a reward for all of the sweat, forced reps and showing up when you really didn’t want to?

Of course you do!  That is why we are going to pay you for transforming your physique in the next 90 days.  All you have to do is follow these rules below:

Have you been seeing some decent results but never willing to devote 100% effort?

We want YOU to STOP, breath, focus and be selfish (YES, SELFISH) a few hours per week for 90 days. Don’t let life get in the way of feeling strong and getting ripped like Spartan warriors. Make time for yourself and watch your confidence grow like your chest measurements!

Our team is dedicated to helping men from all walks of life add pounds of muscle to their frame. The Strength Coaches here at Critical Bench have committed themselves to excellence. It’s not an accident that our Team is passionate and driven to lead by example. Our skills, enthusiasm and work ethic were developed over time just like they will be for YOU!

NEVER give up on yourself and throw in the towel…NEVER think it’s just too hard to change.  Tackling body image problems and overcoming physical obstacles is a part of being truly manly.

A Transformation Can Happen for Anyone Willing to Rise Up and Face Challenges Avoided by Others…

This contest is not just about gaining muscle mass and zapping fat, it’s about getting back that roar and being the man you envisioned as a child. You want to be strong mentally and physically, courageous and bold, confident and knowledgeable.

These traits don’t come easy but if you’re willing to step outside that cozy little box you created in your life and do something NEW and life-changing, your character will be forever changed.

Keep training hard,





Mike Westerdal, CPT, RKC
criticalbench1 at


 Become the Alpha Male You Were Born To Be!

Register for $1

dollar bill

sign-me-up-silver-button-01Participate in The Physique Transformation Contest
(Includes 14-Day Trial to the Critical Bench Vault Site
After the Trial It’s $19.95 per month)


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