Save Over 85% On 7 Of Our Best Selling Products While Helping Kids at “Hope Children’s Home” Have a Merry Christmas & Happy Holiday Season…
Black Friday through Cyber Monday 2016 Charity Sale

100% Of The Proceeds From This Sale Are Being Donated Directly to Hope Children’s Home

Why Are We Having This Sale?
1) It’s our Black Friday through Cyber Monday Sale.
2) The 7 products you’ll see listed below are going to be locked up in the VAULT membership site next week. This will be the last opportunity to buy them as stand alone products without the subscription because on Tuesday they’ll be put away in the Critical Bench VAULT for good.
3) We want to give back and donate all of the money made to a charity called, Hope Children’s Home. This is a charity that is very special to my wife Courtney and I. Critical Bench has donated to them as well in the past. All kids deserve a chance and deserve to be loved. We’ve toured the grounds and met with some of the children and want to help any way we can.
That’s why we have a win-win situation. You can get this Black Friday/Cyber Monday Bundle of products for over 85% OFF and help kids that don’t live with their parents at the same time.
Founded in 1968, Hope Children’s Home has rescued nearly 5,000 children between the ages of infant to 18 years of age. Most of these children have been discarded, abused, unwanted, or orphaned although some of the children have simply come out of a situation where a parent just needed help. Our purpose at Hope Children’s home is to share Christ with the children and while in our care to mold them into Biblically and Academically educated members of our future society.
Our home is located in northwest Tampa, Florida on 55 beautifully wooded acres of land. Our campus consist of dormitories for the boys and girls that can house a total of 80 children as well as beautiful 4,000 sq. ft. cottages that care for our younger children and allowing siblings to live together. The children live in a family atmosphere with house parents who are with them twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week to give guidance and encouragement.
Hope Christian School is also located on our property and is accredited by the state of Florida, providing a private, quality, Christian education to each of our children including a well rounded sports program. Our school program begins in our Nursery through the 12th grade. Over 90% of the students who graduate from Hope Christian School will continue to college.
Hope Children’s Home receives no State or Federal funding and is entirely supported by churches, private individuals, clubs, and organizations. The faith that we exercise each and every day for our needs is a faith that is passed on to the children as they see God’s faithful hand of provision.
For over 40 years, Hope Children’s Home has taken children in and tried to make a difference in their very impressionable lives. We feel that God has called us to help rebuild the broken lives of these children and to build the bridge, when possible, between home, parent, and child. The rewards of our labor are the thousands of young people across the country who are now productive adults raising their own children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
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Here’s Exactly What’s Included In Your Purchase

Bench for Reps
Increase Your Bench Press REP Strength in Just 8-Weeks
Who Else Wants to Set a New Personal Record in 2015 by Bench Pressing Their Bodyweight For As Many As 5 to 15 Even 30-Reps In Just 8-Short Weeks.
The NFL Combine Uses The “225 LB -Rep Test” To Determine The Strength Endurance of Their Players. Now It’s Your Turn To Push Like a Pro & See How You Stack Up With the Bench for Reps Challenge.
Read the complete description here…(opens in a new window)

Supreme Specialization
“Legendary Methods for Propelling Muscle Mass & Strength”
Learn HOW to Gain Real Strength in the Gym and Finally Attain the Muscle Size You’ve Been Searching for…
If ALL the Legends in the Iron Game already did the work for you, essentially creating the blueprint for success, how
could you not achieve a muscular and strong physique?
The time has come to Accelerate MASS Gains and Develop Stronger Muscles in as little as TWO weeks!
Gain ‘ACCESS’ to Old School Muscle Building Methods of Specialization used by Legends like Frank Zane and Arnold Schwarzenegger who DOMINATED the Bodybuilding scene from 1970 to 1980 with TEN combined Mr. Olympia titles!
The SECRET is to First Recognize your Deficient Points and Turn them into Strengths whether your Goal is Strength, Size or Muscle Definition. Discover Insider Information that Prompted Legendary Lifts & Extraordinary Physiques!
Read the complete description here.(opens in a new window)

Hampton Strength Systems & Bonuses
Build a Massive & Powerful Physique Today

Get some of the best kept underground training methods that can transform your body into a true powerbuilder. For those who do not know, a powerbuilder is someone who has size like a bodybuilder but also strength like a powerbuilder.
The Hampton Strength System will give you a step by step blueprint to do achieving this physique.
If you want to change up your workouts to become ripped and explosive, get The Hampton Strength Systems today.
Read the complete description here.(opens in a new window)

Muscle Building Expert Interview Series
Learning From Experts Can Be A Shortcut to Your Own Success
Here Are The “Best Of The Best” Muscle Building Secrets of the World’s Top Fitness Experts… Finally Revealed In One Place…
Now you can hear guys who are true masters at building the lean, muscular body like you want… and you can learn exactly how they do it! These are guys who have the physiques that turn heads, command respect, and get attention.
You can listen to me pick their brains and learn all their secrets.. right from the comfort of your home with these mp3s and pdf transcripts.
Read the complete description here.(opens in a new window)

The Critical Weight Gain Program
How To Gain Muscle Weight Fast
WARNING: This is not for you if weigh MORE than 165 lbs. The training methods used in this program produce rapid muscle gains and may cause stretch marks due to the extreme nature of the program.
A Completely Different Approach To Weight Gain That You Can Use To Pack On Up To 25-35 lbs. Of Muscle In Only 12 Weeks!
What I’m about to reveal will piss a lot of people off. Supplement companies, bodybuilding magazines, health club owners, GNC, and so called “experts” won’t like what I have to say because it turns the muscle building tables in your favor.
Read the complete description here.(opens in a new window)

Professional Lean Muscle Building Meal Plans
A Done-For-You Way To Pack On Lean Muscle Mass
FACT: No Matter How Hard You Train Your Butt Off, If You’re Not Getting The Right Muscle Building Nutrition You Will NEVER Be Able To Pack On Lean Muscle.
Critical Bench teams up with nutritionist Patrick McGuire of Empowered Nutrition who is the go-to-guy not only for the WWE Superstars like Triple H, Edge & Test, but also for many of the top fitness experts in the country who are using these meal plans to get their clients in to the best possible shape.
Get your muscle building meal plans made easy without the math.
Read the complete description here.(opens in a new window)

THINK! and Lose Weight
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Weigh Loss
The 104-page eBook contains advice and specific directions on choosing habits that support weight loss.
Instead of making weight loss complicated, you’ll have the 7 simple, proven habits of effective weight loss at your fingertips. Once you replace your poor habits with new and improved ones…you’ll lose all the weight you want.
Plus it also contains the specific exercises, reps, sets, and other workout information Shawn uses to train his personal training clients to lose weight fast. He even provides a sample workout routine to follow… including the best exercises to use, the days to work out, and the number of reps and sets to use.
Read the complete description here.(opens in a new window)

Cost If Bought Individually:
Bench for Reps – Regular Price: $19
Supreme Specialization – Regular Price: $29
Hampton Strength Systems – Regular Price: $39.99
Muscle Building Expert Interview Series – Regular Price: $129
Critical Weight Gain Program – Regular Price: $47
Professional Lean Muscle Meal Plans – Regular Price: $57
THINK! and Lose Weight – Regular Price: $19.95
Grand Total If Bought Separately: $340.95
Black Friday/Cyber Monday
Help the Kids Sale – ONLY $47

To A Stronger More Muscular You,

P.S. – Look, to put it bluntly, I know our solution will pack on dense, ripped muscle to your arms, shoulders, chest and legs in a matter of weeks, not months. I am so confident that you’ll reach your goals faster by trusting us that I want to throw any hint of doubt you may have completely out the window by shifting all the pressure from your shoulders onto our shoulders…

Black Friday/Cyber Monday
Help the Kids Sale – ONLY $47

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