Grab a Copy Mr. Olympia Competitor Ben Pakulski’s New MI40 XTREME 2.0 & Receive Our Never Before Released Bodyweight Beach Workout DVD – FREE!
Hurry…This Offer Expires Sunday, June 15th
When You Buy MI-40X, You Get The Following Benefits:

- The entire MI40 CEP Training System…
- Exercise Execution Guide…every exercise, every step, laid out with idiot-proof instructions even BPak’s moronic ex-training partner could easily understand…
- The CEP Nutrition Guide…cutting-edge nutrition guidelines for MAXIMUM results… for LIFE!
- The CEP Supplement Guide…a comprehensive guide to THE best supplements… what you should be taking to OPTIMIZE your training AND your RESULTS!
- 3 Levels of CEP Workouts…from natural newbie, to pro athlete, every angle covered…and warning, “Pro” means “Pro! 😉
- PLUS…When You Order MI-40X from the link Below, You’ll Receive Our Bonus, “Bodyweight Beach Follow Along Videos.” Perfect for this summer to compliment you’re new MI-40X Program when you can’t get to the gym due to traveling or vacation.
No equipment needed. This product has NEVER been sold or released and has a “Real World” Value of $67. But it is yours FREE when you order MI-40X today at the link below.