Turbo Charge Your Muscle Building Gains, Get KILLER Workouts for Size & Strength, Live Coaching Calls with Team Critical Bench,
Training Videos, Support Groups and
WIN Tons of Amazing Prizes

“There Is Just 1 Obstacle Holding You Back From Acquiring Your Power-Bodybuilding Success…
& Here’s the Solution!”

To be perfectly blunt with you, no matter how good the programming is for a training system it’s not worth a lick if you’re not actually following it. Don’t take this lightly, because I have an eye-opening statistic to share with you and I want you to do a gut check after hearing it, ok?

Here we go, less than 10% of people who begin any diet and exercise program wind up sticking with it for more than 30-days. The reasons for this varies from lack of motivation, lack of support, getting bored with the workouts or environment, getting too busy with life, laziness, getting comfortable, lack of seeing results, poor planning and a boat load of other reasons.

As you can see even with an incredible training program there’s still a lot to overcome with regards to sticking with your workouts.

Fortunately there is one easy thing you can do that solves this problem which is getting involved in a managed online strength training community. In fact, a year long study conducted by the Journal of the American Medical Association, participants in a managed online fitness community got Double the Results!

That’s just one reason why we’ve created the Critical Bench Vault which is a full blown support community where you’ll meet and be surrounded by people who take their strength & muscle building goals seriously. If you want results, spend time with people that are going where you want to go. It’s a simple as that. Check out just a sample of whats included within the Insiders Area…

This is just a sample from the Critical Bench Vault site. There are interviews, full blown books, workouts and reports you can access immediately upon logging in. This is definitely where our most successful clients congregate.

Plus Get Paid & Win Prizes By Entering Our Next
Transformation Contest That Starts July 1st

Everyone who enters wins the following prizes:

Check Out The Grand Prizes
the 1st – 3rd Place Contestants Will Win!

Even better, guys that place the highest can win a 3 day cruise for 2 people or $1,000 cash, I-Pads and $250 worth of supplements from AS Research or Biotrust Nutrition.

prizes (2)

Our Most Successful Clients
Are VAULT Insiders! 

Check out some of the results guys that entered our last contest achieved using our workouts of the month and coaching advice.


Try Out the Critical Bench Vault On Your Own Terms and Accept 20 Bonus Products
As My Thanks For Giving It a Chance


It’s Decision Time – Let’s Make This Time Different!

Buying a program is the easy part, but that’s not what is ultimately going to get you the results. How many times in the past have you gotten excited about something just to lose interest or give up on it before following it to completion?

Look you’re not alone, it happens to most people and it’s normal. However the Critical Bench Vault is not about being normal, it’s about getting you as Big, Strong and Lean as possible. Get motivated and stay driven toward your goals by connecting with the Web’s premier Power-Building community full of folks just like you and I who strive to gain muscle and strength without the fat.

To make this easy for you and ensure there’s nothing holding you back, I”m going to give you access for just ONE Stinking Dollar. That will include your first 14-days and the 20 free gifts pictured above for free so you can scope it all out and start experiencing the life changing material for yourself. You deserve this…lets do it!

Keep training hard,





Mike Westerdal, CPT, RKC
Founder CriticalBench.com
criticalbench1 at gmail.com


 Awesome, I’m Pumped! 

Give Me All 20 Bonus Products for
Just $1 Measly Dollar

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 Hurry Offers Ends In:


let me in

After The First 14-Days It’s 19.97 per month (cancel anytime)

YES! I want to become a Critical Bench Vault Insider for just $1


NOTE: “The Critical Bench Vault is a completely downloadable set of pdf and mp3 files located in the membership area of the Web site criticalbenchvault.com. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you’ll get INSTANT ACCESS to download all product components onto your computer. The format for all manuals, workbooks, checklists, etc, is adobe acrobat PDF, videos are mp4 and the audio files are mp3, which can be viewed or listened to on Mac or PC.